Michel Shane has been a successful entrepreneur for 30+yrs. He has the ability to spot trends before they become mainstream in the film and the consumer space.
He has achieved great success in the film industry as a movie producer and founder at Shane Gang Pictures. His producer perspective enhances his ability to drive the process of thought generation through to implementation in all aspects of his career.
He is best known for his work in developing, creating, and executive producing the blockbusters Catch Me If You Can and I, Robot, and financing Northfork to name a few.
Michel has finished a documentary on the horrors of PCH entitled “21 Miles Malibu” which will be released later this year or early next year. This passion project is being created to bring awareness to the dangers of the Pacific Coast Highway.
He is preparing a multi-part television series on Michele Sindona, one of the most amazing individuals of the 20 th century. The Howard Hughes of Italy that had his fingers in world affairs for over 20 years, at one time one of the richest men in the world, that no one knew.
He is co-founder and Co-CEO of Infinite Percent Partners a natural products pharmaceutical company based out of Hawaii, California, and the UK.
Michel is the Chair of The Emily Shane Foundation.
Michel received a Lifelong Achievement Award in 2015 from President Barack Obama.
He taught Film Finance and Production at UCLA Extension from 2004 to 2008 and was on the program Advisory Board. Michel earned his Bachelor of Communications and Marketing from McGill University in Montreal, Canada.